Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

Macam macam pantun dan contohnya

Tugas Bahasa Indonesia
Buatlah masing-masing 5 contoh dari Macam-macam Pantun

·        Pantun Adat

Menanam kelapa di pulau Bukum
    Tinggi Sedepa sudah berbuah
    Adat bermula dengan hukum
    Hukum bersandar di Kitabullah

Ikan berenang didalam lubuk
    Ikan belida dadanya panjang
    Adat pinang pulang ke tampuk
    Adat sirih pulang ke gagang

Lebat daun bunga tanjung
    Berbau harum bunga cempaka
    Adat dijaga pusaka dijunjung
    Baru terpelihara adat pusaka

Bukan lebah sembarang lebah
    Lebah bersarang dibuku buluh
    Bukan sembah sembarang sembah
    Sembah bersarang jari sepuluh

Pohon nangka berbuah lebat
    Bilalah masak harum juga
    Berumpun pusaka berupa adat
    Daerah berluhak alam beraja
Pantun Agama

Banyak bulan perkara bulan
 Tidak semulia bulan puasa
    Banyak tuhan perkara tuhan
    Tidak semulia Tuhan Yang Esa

Daun terap diatas dulang
    Anak udang mati dituba
    Dalam kitab ada terlarang
    Yang haram jangan dicoba

Bunga kenanga diatas kubur
    Pucuk sari pandan Jawa
    Apa guna sombong dan takabur
    Rusak hati badan binasa

Asam kandis asam gelugur
    Ketiga asam si riang-riang
    Menangis mayat dipintu kubur
    Teringat badan tidak sembahyang

Boleh di perah ambil patihnya
    Dalam kancah tarulah bantal
    Boleh berserah kehendak hati-Nya
    Kepada Tuhan tempat tawagal
Pantun Budi

Bunga cinta diatas batu
Daunnya lepas kedalam ruang
Ada budaya tidak berlaku
Sebabnya emas budi terbuang

Diantara padi dengan selisih
Yang mana satu tuan luruhkan
Diantara budi dengan kasih
Yang mana satu tuan turutkan

Apa gunanya berkain batik
Kalau tidak dengan sujinya
Apa guna beristri cantik
kalau tidak dengan budinya

Sarat perahu muat pinang
Singgah berlabuh di Kuala Dalik
Jahat berlaku lagi dikenang
Inikan pula budi yang baik

Anak angsa mati lemas
Mati lemas di air manis
Hilang bahasa karena emas
Hilang budi karena miskin
Pantun Jenaka

Ikan gabus di rawa-rawa,
Ikan belut nyangkut di jaring,
Perutku sakit menahan tawa,
Gigi palsu loncat ke piring

Dimana kuang hendak bertelur,
Diatas lata dirongga batu,
Dimana tuan hendak tidur,
Diatas dada dirongga susu

Elok berjalan kota tua,
Kiri kanan berbatang sepat,
Elok berbini orang tua,
Perut kenyang ajaran dapat

Anak ayam turun ke bumi,
Induk ayam naik kelangit,
Anak ayam nyari kelangit,
Induk ayam nyungsep ke bumi

Limau purut di tepi rawa,,
Buah dilanting belum masak,
Sakit perut sebab tertawa,,
Melihat kucing duduk berbedak

Adakah perisai bertali rambut
Rambut dipintal akan cemara
Adakah misai tahu takut
Kamipun muda lagi perkasa

Pantun Kepahlawanan

Hang Jebat Hang Kesturi
Budak-budak raja Melaka
Jika hendak jangan dicuri
Mari kita bertentang mata

Kalau orang menjaring ungka
Rebung seiris akan pengukusnya
Kalau arang tercorong kemuka
Ujung keris akan penghapusnya

Redup bintang haripun subuh
Subuh tiba bintang tak nampak
Hidup pantang mencari musuh
Musuh tiba pantang ditolak

Esa elang kedua belalang
Takkan kayu berbatang jerami
Esa hilang dua terbilang
Takkan Melayu hilang dibumi

Ayam sabung jangan dipaut
Jika ditambat kalah laganya
Asam digunung ikan dilaut
Dalam belanga bertemu juga

Pantun Kiasan

Berburu kepadang datar
Dapatkan rusa belang kaki
Berguru kepalang ajar
Bagaikan bunga kembang tak jadi

Anak Madras menggetah punai
Punai terbang mengirap bulu
Berapa deras arus sungai
Ditolak pasang balik kehulu

Kayu tempinis dari kuala
Dibawa orang pergi Melaka
Berapa manis bernama nira
Simpan lama menjadi cuka

Disangka nenas ditengah padang
Rupanya urat jawi-jawi
Disangka panas hingga petang
Kiranya hujan tengah hari

Pantun Nasihat

Banyak sayur dijual di pasar
    Banyak juga menjual ikan
    Kalau kamu sudah lapar
    cepat cepatlah pergi makan

Kalau harimau sedang mengaum
    Bunyinya sangat berirama
    Kalau ada ulangan umum
    Marilah kita belajar bersama

Hati-hati menyeberang
    Jangan sampai titian patah
    Hati-hati di rantau orang
    Jangan sampai berbuat salah

Manis jangan lekas ditelan
    Pahit jangan lekas dimuntahkan
    Mati semut karena manisan
    Manis itu bahaya makanan.

Buah berangan dari Jawa
    Kain terjemur disampaian
    Jangan diri dapat kecewa
    Lihat contoh kiri dan kanan

Pantun Percintaan

Tepi kolam ada sumur
tanam tomat numbuh pepaya
Tiap malem susah tidur
dalam teringat indah matamu .

Rambutku yang panjang
Kadang terurai kadang diikat satu
Cemberutku telah hilang
Hilang dicuri oleh senyummu

pakai sepatu warna merah
rasanya nyaman walau tak baru
Hati rindu hati gelisah
Terobati karena kehadiran dirimu

Pakai celana warna hitam
Tampak pantas dengan baju biru
Hati bahagia dan tentram
Karena ikhlas mencintaimu

Itu bukan salahmu
Tapi salah yang membantu
Takdir cintaku adalah kamu
Yang akan selalu melekat pada diriku

Pantun peribahasa

Bersakit-sakit kehulu
Berenang-renang ketepian
Bersakit-sakit dahulu
Bersenang-senang kemudian

Kehulu memotong pagar
jangan terpotong batang durian
Cari guru tempat belajar
Jangan jadi sesal kemudian

Kerat-kerut kayu diladang
Hendak di buat hulu cangkul
Berapa berat mata memandang
Barat lagi bahu memikul

Harapkan untung menggamit
Kain dibadan di edahkan
Harapkan guruh dilangit
Air tempayan dicurahkan

Pohon pepaya didalam semak
Pohon manggis sebesar lengan
Kawan tertawa memag banyak
Kawan menangis di harap jangan

Pantun Perpisahan
Pucuk pauh selara pauh
Sembilu ledung ledungkan
Adik jauh kekanda jauh
Kalau rindu sama menungkan

Pucuk pauh selara pauh
Pucuk terjuntai di atas titi
Adik jauh kekanda jauh
Menaruh rindu di dalam hati

Patah pasak dalam kemudi
Patah diruang bunga kiambang
Kalaulah tidak bertemu lagi
Bulan yang terang sama dipandang

Batang selasih permainan budak
Berdaun sehelai dimakan kuda
Bercerai kasih bertalak tidak
Seribu tahun kembali juga

Batang selasih permainan budak
Tumbuhnya jarang tepi telaga
Bercerai kasih bukan kehendak
Paksaan orang dituruti juga

Pantun Teka-Teki

Kalau tuan bawa keladi
Bawakan juga si pucuk rebung
Kalau tuan bijak bestari
Binatang apa tanduk dihidung?

Beras ladang sulung tahun
Malam malam memasak nasi
Dalam batang ada daun
Dalam daun ada isi

Terendak bentan lalu dibeli
Untuk pakaian saya turun kesawah
Kalaulah tuan bijak bestari
Apa binatang kepala di bawah?

Kalau tuan muda teruna
Pakai seluar dengan gayanya
Kalau tuan bijak laksana
Biji diluar apa buahnya?

Tugal padi jangan bertangguh
Kunyit kebun siapa galinya
Kalau tuan cerdik sungguh
Langit tergantung mana talinya?

Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014

Pendapatan perkapita dan perekonomian di negara asean 2010-2012


Tingkat Perekonomian dan Pendapatan Per Kapita di ASEAN(2010-2012)

Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

contoh kliping tentang ragam buah dalam bahasa inggris

Tentang deskripsi 10 macam jenis buah dalam kalimat berbahasa Inggris

Di susun oleh :
Kelas :


Dragon fruit ( UK : pitaya ) is the fruit of several cactus species from the genera Hylocereus and Selenicereus . The fruit is native to Mexico , Central America and South America but is now also cultivated in Asian countries such as Taiwan , Vietnam , Philippines , Indonesia and Malaysia . The fruit can also be found in Okinawa , Israel , northern Australia and southern China . Hylocereus blooms only at night .

In 1870 the French people were brought from Guyana to Vietnam as an ornamental plant . By the Vietnamese and Chinese people considered his blessing. Therefore , the fruit is always placed between two male green dragon statues on top of the altar table . The red color of the fruit looks striking color green dragons . The fruit of this habit among Vietnamese people highly influenced Chinese culture known as thang loy ( dragon fruit ) . The term Thang Loy then translated in Europe and other countries that speak English as dragon fruit ( dragon fruit ) .
The benefits of dragon fruit
Red dragon fruit lately often highlighted as one of the fruits that have a lot of benefits to help cope and help cure various diseases . Start of dragon fruit stem , flesh dragon fruit , dragon fruit to the skin also has a lot of vitamins and substances that are very beneficial . Doctors also highly recommend the red dragon fruit , as fruit consumption that can be used for therapy in the treatment of a disease .

Here are some of the benefits of dragon fruit :

    Red dragon fruit help cure cancer , the content of vitamin complex , has been recommended by doctors as a result of cancer treatment therapies .
    Beautify the appearance , with its vitamin C content is high , red dragon fruit helps maintain the health of skin , even the fruit and skin can also be used as a scrub .
    Because the sweetness of red dragon fruit not from glucose , the red dragon fruit can also help cure diabetes .
    Maintaining the health and stamina , with antioxidants and vitamins .
    Prevent osteoporosis or bone calcification , because the red dragon fruit contains a lot of organic calcium .

Mango or mempelam is the name of a fruit , as well as the name of the tree . Mangoes belong to the genus Mangifera , consisting of 35-40 members , and tribal Anacardiaceae . Scientific name is Mangifera indica .

Mango trees including higher plants which stem structure ( habitus ) including arboreus groups , namely woody plants that have a stem height of more than 5 m . Mango can reach a height of 10-40 m .

The name is derived from the Malayalam fruit maanga . This word in Indonesian paired into mango ; and on the other hand , said it was brought to Europe by the Portuguese and absorbed into manga (Portuguese ) , mango (English ) and others . Its own scientific name roughly means : " ( tree ) that mango fruit , originated in India " .

Originating from India along the border with Burma , mango has spread to Southeast Asia since at least 1500 years ago . This fruit is also known in various regional languages ​​, such as Pelem or poh ( Jw. ) .

benefits of mangoes
Mango is mainly grown for its fruit. The ripe fruit commonly eaten fresh, as table fruit or a mixture of ice, in the form of slices or blender. Young fruit often dirujak, or sold on the roadside after the peel, split apart and fitted with chili seasoning salt. Mango fruit is also processed as preserves, dried fruit slices, canned and others. In various parts of Indonesia, mango (young or old) are often used as a mix sour sauce or fish and meat dishes

Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is a kind of perennial evergreen tree that is believed to have originated in tropical regions of the archipelago. Growing up to 7 to 25 meters. The fruit also called mangosteen, purplish red when ripe, although there are also variants of the red skin. The mangosteen fruit is known in the trade as the "queen of fruits", the durian pair, the "king of fruits". This fruit contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity have. So overseas mangosteen fruit is known as having the highest antioxidant levels in the world.

Mangosteen Fruit Benefits for Health

Efficacy Mangosteen To Prevent Cancer
Xamthone compounds or anti- cancer compounds found in mangosteen benefit both to slow down the growth of cancer cells in the colon , and liver cancer . Even the content of xanthones are also able to slow the growth of cells causing leukemia .

Mangosteen Benefits To Counteract Free Radicals and Immune
Catechins that of the mangosteen fruit turns to beat Vitamin C and vitamin E are present in our body . And with Vitamin C and E it is useful to counteract the presence of free radicals from the body . Well try the consumption of mangosteen fruit every day routine so that you can avoid from free radicals , and of course you will also get abundant reserves of natural antioxidants from fruit mangosteen .

Efficacy of Mangosteen Juice to Relieve Pain
If you consume mangosteen fruit juice every day , it can membanti reduce pain . This theory has been widely demonstrated by several experts with some respondents .

Mangosteen Benefits to Prevent Kidney Stones
A person who consumed the mangosteen fruit will often have to urinate , it is this which could prevent you from getting the benefits of stone disease ginjal.untuk try mangosteen regular consumption of at least 3 ounces in each day .

Efficacy Mangosteen To Lose Weight
It turns out that the content of Xanthones than beneficial to prevent diabetes and heart disease , substance Xanthones are also useful for re soften membrane cells that have been enlarged and hardened with the size of our bodies .

Watermelon is not too expensive, but the nutritional content and health benefits can not be taken lightly . Please see the data in addition to knowing the nutritional content of watermelon .

In addition to the fruit used for consumption , watermelon is also often used as an alternative medicine to cure various diseases . Some of the diseases that can be treated using watermelon is as follows :

Watermelon skin to treat swelling due to liquid deposits on kidney disease , diabetes (diabetes mellitus ) , because plants berracun itching , pain when I wake up in the morning due to alcohol ( hangover ) , migraine , prevent hair loss , smooth the skin and eliminate dark spots on the face , rough skin , burns , and sunburn .

watermelon fruit pulp is used for the treatment of : fainting due to the heat ( heatstroke ) , fatigue , fever , thirst with dry mouth , bad breath , and urine color is dark amber , pain during urination , abdominal bloating due to gas , constipation ( constipation ) , sore throat , thrush , hepatitis , high blood pressure ( hypertension ) , erectile dysfunction ( impotence ) , increase male fertility , alcohol intoxication ( alcoholism ) , high uric acid , and remove wrinkles on the face .
Melon fruit or which has the Latin name Cucumis melo is a fruit that originated from tribe - pumpkin Labuan or Cucurbitace , fruit is usually eaten directly comfortable in while eating fresh or in which one often in sandingkan by Appel and this wine , now not only fruit are often eaten fresh , it turns out this melon has a range of useful benefits for the human body , Therefore on this occasion we tried to discuss the benefits of Fruit melon melon Fruit Or Efficacy friends who can read this in our blog .


Melon fruit is a fruit that has a very high nutrition content of which is iron , calcium , phosphorus , carbohydrates , proteins , fats , potassium , vitamin A , vitamin B , vitamin C is able to prevent heart attacks , prevent impotence , eye , kidney disease , cancer , stroke and Other forth , therefore Nowadays many people are making this melon as an alternative to the health of the Human Body , Well now let's just look at the melon fruit Benefits for the Body Health .

    The content of melon fruit anticoagulants can stop blood clots in the body that makes blood flow smoothly and prevent stroke
    The content of melon high karatenoid once repellent can reduce the risk of cancer and lung cancer - lung
    Water content in melon could relieve heartburn
    The content of melon fruit dierik power potential in curing kidney disease
    The content of melon dierik could potentially power in curing eczema
    Amino acid content in fruit juice can produce arginine which serves to prevent the occurrence of impotence
    The fiber content in fruit lemon fruit can launch large water
    The content of collagen compounds of lemon fruit is able to maintain the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin tissue so good for body care
    Betakoroten content of the melon can maintain eye health and can improve vision acuity in the eye
Orange or lime are all members of the genus Citrus flowering plants of the tribe Rutaceae ( citrus tribe ) . Its members form a tree with fleshy fruit with a sour taste fresh , although many of its members who have a sweet taste . Sour taste comes from citric acid content which is to be contained in all of its members .

The term " orange " is sometimes also pinned on some other clan members are still related in the same tribe , as trifolia . In everyday language , the mention of " lemon " or " lime " ( in Sumatra and Malaysia ) often means " tangerine orange " or " orange " . In Java , " lime " ( or " limo " ) means " lemon " .

Oranges are very diverse and some species can intersect and produce interspecific hybrids ( ' interspecific hybrid ) which has a distinctive character , which is different from the parent species . This diversity is often difficult classification , naming and recognition of its members , because new people can see the difference after a flower or fruit appear . As a result it is not clear how many kinds. Recent studies indicate is a strong linkage with the Citrus genus Fortunella ( Kumkuat ) , Poncirus , and Microcitrus and Eremocitrus , so there is the possibility of the merger . Citrus itself has two anakmarga ( subgenus ) , namely Citrus and Papeda .

Orange is the origin of East Asia and Southeast Asia , forming an arc that stretches from Japan continue south until then turning west to eastern India . Sweet orange and citron ( lemon ) came from East Asia , while grapefruit , lemon and lime are from Southeast Asia .

Many members of oranges that are used by humans as food , fragrances , as well as industry . Citrus fruit is a good source of vitamin C and fragrance / perfume important . The leaves are also used as a spice .
Durian is the name of a tropical plant that originated from Southeast Asia, as well as the name of the fruit that can be eaten. The name is derived from the characteristic of the fruit skin is hard and sharp grooved to resemble thorns. Popular title is "king of all fruits" (King of Fruit). Durian is a fruit that is controversial, although many people who like it, but some others even disgusted by the smell.

Indeed, plants with names durian is not a single species but a group of plants of the genus Durio. [1] However, it is a durian (without any additive) usually is Durio zibethinus. The types of durian other edible and are sometimes found in the host market in Southeast Asia which are lai (D. kutejensis), kerantungan (D. oxleyanus), durian turtles or drawbacks (D. graveolens), and lahung (D . dulcis). Henceforth, the following description refers to D. zibethinus.
Duku is a type of fruit from Meliaceae tribal members. Plants originating from Southeast Asia west this has similarities with the olive fruit, kokosan, pisitan, celoring and others with various variations. The names of these diverse but also indicates a variety of cultivars are reflected in the form of fruit and trees are different.
Duku is the identity of the plant to the South Sumatra Province.
Duku is very varied in nature and fruit trees; so there are also experts who separate them into types (species) are different. In broad outline, there are two major groups of this fruit, which is known as Duku, and called complexioned. Then there is a mix between the two groups called Duku-complexioned, and the last group in Indonesia known as kokosan

pineapple is a kind of tropical plant from Brazil , Bolivia , and Paraguay . These plants included in the pineapple-nanasan family (Family Bromeliaceae ) . Stature ( habitus ) lower its plants , herbs ( chronic ) with 30 or more leaves are long , sharp-pointed , arranged in rosette form around the thick trunk . The fruit is in English called a pineapple because of its shape like a pine tree . The name ' pineapple ' is derived from the Tupi designation for this fruit : anana , meaning " excellent fruit " . Honey -sucking birds ( hummingbirds ) are natural pollinators of fruit , although a variety of insects also have the same role .
Model Sungkul Stairs with carved pineapple motif on the Banjar in South Kalimantan .

Pineapple fruit sold as the fruit is not true , but the combined fruits of true ( visible traces of any ' scales ' on the skin of the fruit ) is incorporated in its development - together with cob ( spadix ) compound interest - into one ' fruit ' great . Pineapples are cultivated people have lost the ability to reproduce sexually , but he developed young plants ( the ' crown ' fruit ) which is a means of vegetative propagation .

In Indonesia , Lampung province is a major pineapple growing area , with some pineapple processing plants are also found there .
Stone guava (Psidium guajava) or often called guava, guava and guava Siki is a tropical plant from Brazil, spread to Indonesia via Thailand. Cashew stone has green fruit with white flesh or red sweet-and-sour taste. Guava fruit stones known to contain many vitamin C.
Some kinds / guava cultivars known in Indonesia , most known for a long time , some are introduced from other countries .

Crystal Guava Taiwan
    Crystal Guava is a mutation of residue Thailand Pak , was found in 1991 in the District Kao - Shiung Taiwan . Introduced in Indonesia in 1991 by the Taiwan Technical Mission . Crystal Guava actually not really nirbiji , seed number is less than 3 % of the fruit , guava cursory crystals almost no seeds .

Guava western cape
    Guava western cape has two variants : white and red -fleshed fruit . White flesh , known as the pink ' white milk ' , is more popular because it tastes sweet , flesh rather thick , and soft texture . Fleshy red fruit is less favored because of his rapidly decaying and taste less sweet . Thin fruit skin yellowish green when ripe . Slightly oval fruit shape with a rounded end portion , while the tapered base . Guava western cape is more commonly known as guava Pasarminggu and a local race .

Brittle red guava
    Guava is a variant of red brittle fleshy guava green to yellowish brass and contains pink . Cashew nut is different from the Sunday market , it looks somewhat meonjong guava and taste less sweet , but this nut has The action is good because it contains Tannin , quersetin , quersetin glycosides , flavonoids , essential oils , ursolic acid , acid psidiolat , kratogolat acid , acid oleanolat , guajaverin acids and vitamins to more. cashew brittle excess red again this season does not recognize , and always bear fruit all the time and and most kikembangbiakkan with transplantation . Guava is already widely cultivated in the Kendal area , originally from Kendal Pageruyung .

guava australia
    Australia Guava introduced from Australia . Is a peculiar purplish red leaves . Although the fruit can be eaten , usually planted in the yard over as an ornamental plant . The fruit is sweet when ripe , but fresh when immature .

guava breadfruit
    The word " breadfruit " means " no seeds " . Yielding varieties of cashew is indeed not have grain ; if there are only 2-3 seeds . Yellowish-white flesh with a sweet taste somewhat sour . Its texture is a bit hard , crunchy , flavorful and fragrant . Apple -like fruit shape , with a length between 4-5 cm . His skin a whitish green when ripe . Guava breadfruit can produce continuously throughout the year , although relatively few and small sized fruit . However , this type of nut is relatively resistant to pests and diseases . But it turns pink if the breadfruit tree and fruit breakfast ditanaman guava seed back then would tend to differ with pink crystals .

guava bangkok
    Guava bangkok is a term for the guava fruit is great . Some indeed introduced from Thailand . One of them is ' guava juice ' . His perfectly round shape with a diameter of about 10cm . The size of the raw fruit is larger than when mature .

guava Crystals
    Thailand is a mutation of residue Pak , was found in 1991 in the District Kao - Shiung Taiwan .

Crystal guava was introduced in Indonesia in 1991 by the Taiwan Technical Mission . Crystal Guava actually not really seedless but the number of seeds is less than 3 percent of the fruit section . In addition to the number of nearly zero seeds , fruit flavor was sweet , soft but crunchy texture of the fruit . Before Guava crystals introduced in Indonesia has been first discovered other types of nuts are seedless guava breadfruit . Crystal guava farmer groups in the village Cikarawang through coaching , Bogor Agricultural University to develop this type of guava and analyze business prospects.